What Swimming Did for Us...
Without a reason or a purpose, we might still be searching for Meghan's diagnosis. Most patients go a ridiculous 3 to 6 years average...
POTS is not Rare...
We hear it often - POTS must be rare. But it's not! Just not well known. Most likely you will have come in contact with someone who...
Helping Others to Understand
Understanding an invisible illness is hard. Maybe as hard as handling some of the symptoms. I think if you haven't witnessed it, you...
Guilt. I think this is one of the biggest reasons that patients who suffer from an invisible illness pretend to be fine. I know that...
It's All in Your Head...
Patients with neurological conditions often feel like no one believes them. That it's all in their heads. It's even more frustrating...
Is POTS Really Auto-Immune?
In February 2014, it was announced that a small study had identified a possible bad antibody that was responsible for causing POTS. The...
IVIG Therapy
Meghan is now up to her 10th dose of IVIG. It really seems like years have passed since the first one, although it's less than 1 year. ...
Positive ANA Results
​When we first started looking for answers to Meghan's symptoms, doctors began running lots of blood tests. She gave so many tubes of...
Medications for POTS
There are currently no approved medications for someone with POTS. Doctors typically prescribe drugs "off-label" when they are used for...
Water and Salt...and More Water and Salt!
POTS patients typically have low blood volume - which contributes to the difficulties of pumping enough blood through the body. Drinking...