Back to Reality and the Importance of Meg's IVIG Study...
Sometimes I forget that Meghan goes through this once a month. She has made such huge improvements. Neuropathy in her hands and feet is...

How One Friend Makes a Difference...
We met Lizzy at an awareness event last fall - something organized as a yearly get-together each October. She was in middle school and...

School from Home: What We Have Learned
I find I like to tell people Meghan does school from home when people ask - rather than saying we home-school. Then I don't go into a...

Helping Someone Navigate a POTS Diagnosis
It can be overwhelming when a patient begins their search for help. We started out unprepared for sure. Our first doctor appointment...

Stop Living in Limbo
Of course that's easier said than done. The last several years of our lives have been in a constant holding pattern. Waiting and hoping...

Progress With IVIG
We are nearing two years of IVIG...21 doses now. And the effect has been amazing - but the road long. Unexpected things have put us...

Accepting There is Nothing Wrong with Needing a Plan C...
We thought we had everything in place with an IEP plan set up and ready to go. Meghan could do some classes at home and some at school. ...

Working out an IEP With Your School
Sometimes in life you need a Plan B... Meghan's freshman year of high school ended with the final two months completed at home - mainly...

Motivation & Life Dreams
Meghan has found competitive swimming to be her outlet. Her refuge. Her comfort. Her hope for being normal - as she won't share her...

Our Latest Speed Bump: Folate for Your Brain & Chronic Illness
We are finally looking in the rear view mirror at some of the toughest weeks we have had in over a year. Folate (or lack there of)...